Legions of the Moonshaes

- Alaran

The Lost Legion
- Alaran

Legion Varus
- Moray

Legion Vitrix
- Norland

Legion Germanica
- Korinn

The Iron Eagles
- Oman

Legion Tutanburg
- Gwynneth

Legion Solstice
- Snowdown

No Legion
- Mintarn

No Legion
- Flamsterd

Legion And Above Rank Structure
High ranking officers (typically non-combat)
        Consul Equivalent to a 5-star General.
Temporary rank in times of all out war.
Multiple of this rank is possible if wars are on multiple fronts.
        Praetor Equivalent to a 4-star General / Lieutenant General.
Consuls are pooled from this rank.
        Equestrian Equivalent to a 3-star General / Major General.
The highest rank which may take to the field of battle.
An equestrian may lead the defence of an entire realm or multiple realmss
        Emparata Equivalent to a 2-star General / Brigadier General.
Are used to conduct the leadership of multiple legions in a single conflict.
Low ranking officers (combat officers)
        Tribune Equivalent to the rank of either 1-star General or Brigadier General.
Tribune lead Legions and have a unusual degree of autonomy in regards to their mission parameters.
        Primus Equivalent to the rank of Colonel.
Primus leads a cohort.
        Immunes Equivalent of Major.
They support their Primus.
        Centurion Equivalent of a captain As the name implies, a centurion leads 120 men/women including, at least nominally, ten veterans.
They are regarded as battlefield commanders and lead their unit into battle personally, the highest rank front line troop.
        Adjunct Equivalent of Lieutenant.
They support their centurion.
Enlisted (grunts)
        Veteran Equivalent to master sergeant.
Veterans are essentially the non-commissioned officers in the Legion and typically lead squads of ten specialists and/or recruits.
It is their job to support the officers.
        Specialist This rank corresponds most closely to a specialist or corporal in the Army or a Senior Airman in the Air Force.
As implied by the name a specialist is trained in a specific field, the main fields being Weapon (Extraordinarii), Medical (medici), Equipment (Beneficiarii ), Musician (Conicen) and are valued for their training more than their command skills.
        Regular Equivalent to private first class.
An experienced troop who are experienced in battle, they are more likely to be issued expensive armor and weapons.
Placing them in a cohort of heavy infantry.
All legion members enlist at this rank.
Least experienced in the legion and placed in light infantry cohorts and the cheapest weaponry.
They're sometimes referred to as "Splats" due to the sound they usually make while crashing down on their first deployment (Also frequent violent deaths).

Rank Structure Comparison
Rank Equivalent Role
Consul 5-star General Commander in times of war/emergency
Praetor 4-star General Highest normal rank
Equestrian 3-star General / Lieutenant GeneralLeads defence of land(s)
Emparata 2-star General / Major General Manages multiple legions
Tribune 1-star General / Brigadier General Head of conquered legion
Primus Colonel Head of cohort
Immunes Major Supports Primus
Centurion Captain Head of unit
Adjunct Lieutenant Supports Centurion
Veteran Master Sergeant Supports Adjunct
Specialist Specialist or Corporal Weapon (Extraordinarii), Medical (medici), Equipment (Beneficiarii ), Musician (Conicen)
Regular Private First Class I know what I'm doing now
Recruit (Munifex) Private Splatter / Cannon fodder